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May 5, 2009

I’m an anteater! (oh, and a PhD decision)

Filed under: Academic,Personal — Jed @ 4:44 pm

So the thesis is done, and life can return to normal, whatever that is. There is one piece of major news that has been noticeably absent from my blog over the last 20+ days: A Ph.D. decision.

I am going to UC Irvine!

Polite Anteater

Those following my twitter feed already have heard the news, as well as peers at CCT and the AAMC, and everyone else who has suffered through my never-ending love affair with anteaters (kind of one of those jokes that has taken on a life of its own). However, I realized I need to throw something up here once professors at various universities (you know who you are) started writing me curious about where I had decided to go.

This was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made, but not for any of the trite reasons. After visiting programs I found myself wishing I could mash them up into one delicious mega-Starburst. I was also really upset at the prospect of not working with so many exciting classmates. “These are your colleagues!” my advisor, David Ribes, kindly told me during that fateful decision week.

So why Irvine? Surprisingly, not the weather. I am going to go work in medicine. Medicine? Yeah, that was my initial response as well. :)

UC Irvine’s Medical Center is in the process of overhauling all of their technology, including their electronic medical health records system (EMR). Yunan Chen and Gillian Hayes are doing a number of studies during this transition, and they kindly invited me to join them to pursue my interests in digital identity in a more institutionalized setting.

This could not be more perfect. My research has increasingly focused on the ways in which identity is categorized and institutionalized into things like software. At UCI I will actually get to sit down with developers and clinicians as they implement their system. It is a priceless opportunity. Needless to say, an EMR is a giant leap forward from Facebook and craigslist.

5 more years of details to follow, but for today, one last anteater:

Anteater Laptop

3 Responses to “I’m an anteater! (oh, and a PhD decision)”

  1. Christopher Says:

    WOOHOO!!!!! :)

  2. Michael Blackburn Says:

    Congrats! Sorry to hear you won’t be joining us in Chicago (I mean, if weather is *not* a consideration…) but I’m happy to hear you’re going to be pursuing such a meaty area.

    Good luck!

  3. Emilia Says:

    Pleased to meet you too, anteater. Can I hire you to rid my home of some pesky ants that keep coming in?

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