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January 2, 2008

A Dramatic Prairie Dog Ate My Final

Filed under: Academic,Technology — Jed @ 1:47 pm

If you had surveyed the Facebook status of CCT students during finals you would have seen something strange. During finals you always see a predictable number of Facebook/IM/<communication device here> messages that are mildly suicidal. I must admit that I took to wandering around the library in the middle of the night (taking a “break” from writing my papers) and navigating to this LOLcat on a dozen or so catalog computers. (I have been informed that this is not funny, but at 4:30 am I found it hysterical.)

1st year students in CCT, however, had a different type of project ahead of them. There were requirements, of course, but nothing to restrict the form of the final. I think Tatyana’s Facebook status captured it best:

Tatyana is I can’t believe i’m writing a monologue as a FINAL PAPER. :P.

There is a tale of former student (and by “former student” I mean my friend Molly Moran, and by “tale” I mean she confirm the story) who turned in a maniquine covered in philosphy quote for her final; a sculptural piece of sorts.

As for me? You remember this guy right? Well, would you like to the biography of the Dramatic Prairie Dog?

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