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March 19, 2010

Visiting day for new Anteaters!

Filed under: Academic — Jed @ 4:14 pm

There has been a lot of prospective student activity this week. Not only has my dear CCT friend Margarita been here giving the antro department one last look, but I have been on the recruitment committee for Informatics so there have been a lot of new faces.

I just sat down in LUCI for a few minutes to take a break from today’s schedule, only to have Meg remark: “They must be exhausted.” I suspect she meant the prospective students, but I think it could apply to any of us.

Visiting student days are always intense and there is just too much information to process. It is just impossible to describe the immensity of choosing your PhD program. That said, these students look great, and I certainly hope they all choose to come play with us in Irvine. In just a few minutes, they will get to relax as well: We are all piling in cars and heading to the beach.

For today, I leave you with this picture in honor of our prospectives. A baby anteater — fresh-eyed, full of ideas, and ready to do some research! (You can see it, right?)